Pepper : Now Adopted

Introducing Pepper ,current location Glasgow Scotland .

The potential applicant would be willing to travel to partake in as many meets and greets as requested

Pepper’s owner is heartbroken having had to make this decision to rehome her.

With longer working hours ,Pepper needs more than the owner can offer her,and needs to put Pepper’s needs first.

Also due to personal reasons ,a house move is taking place ,the new home does not accept dogs.

NO FULL TIME WORKERS PLEASE (we do not want this for Pepper she needs company)

Pepper can live with another dog

No cats

Can live with dog savvy respectful children aged 8 years old and over

Safe and secure garden,not communal please

If you have a holiday planned please state on your application form

Meet Pepper

Type Poodle Cross with a German Shorthaired Pointer

Colour Tri coloured

Born 2019

Pepper has been spayed

Height 24 inches

Weight 27 Kgs

Microchip checked

Booster vaccine due May 2025

Flea/tick/wormer administered 2024

Health :- had a few tummy upsets,vets emptied anal glands ,a dew claw issue ,now resolved.

No on going conditions not on any medications.

Grooming Requirements

Pepper has a lovely curly coat,sheds minimally,as all dogs shed some amount.

She is brushed weekly at home and does not mind being groomed.

Attended a Professional Groomers every 6 to 8 weeks.

Please do keep on top of grooming as doodle coats can matt easily.


Pepper enjoys her walks and gets exercised twice a day

Her recall is good,but we do advise her new owners not to let her off lead ,until you have complete trust in one another.

She will pull on her lead occasionally,but owner states she will listen and this gets corrected.

Interacts with other dogs well ,has boarded with dog sitters who has dogs.

General Information

Peppers temperament :- she is very loving & kind dog.Good with other animals & loves people. Likes to play fetch & tug of war, loves cuddles & attention. Can be a bit shy to begin with but is very affectionate.

She has never shown any aggression and has never bitten.

Her general obedience is good,but like with all dogs ,always good to keep up with training in a positive manner.

Will bark at the doorbell or knocker but soon settles.

Pepper we are informed is a well rounded and socialised girl.

Her diet consists of dry food ,Field and Trial,and she is a grazer

Pepper is toilet trained but we do state with any dog entering a new environment accidents may occur.

She sleeps either in her own bed or on her owners bed

Can be left a few hours per day ,we do not want her left more that a few hours please

Non destructive in her home

Was crate trained as a puppy,but no longer requires to be crated

Travels well on the back seat of the car,we advise a restraint to keep her safe

Dislikes the vacuum cleaner

Never swims but likes a little paddle

Loves to play fetch and tug of war

Pepper truly is a charming young lady,and her new owners will be very lucky to have Pepper as a companion.

All potential applicants will be subjected to a full vetting and a homecheck.

If you live in rented accommodation ,we will require documentation that a dog can live in this property.

An adoption fair Pepper is £280.00 ,which goes back into the charity

Once you see applications closed,this is the time we will contact everyone in due course.

We are a small team,if you contact us via email do allow 24 hours for a response.

Thank you

Doodle Aid