Martha : Now Adopted


Please do read all this information very carefully,if you do not match the criteria do not apply for Martha.

Location North Fleetwood ,Post Code Area FY7,Lancashire,the potential applicant will be expected to carry out several meet and greets.

Martha’s owners are heartbroken they are having to rehome their special girl.

The environment Martha lives in is very busy ,lots of lovely children just being children.

One of the children is autistic (non verbal) can make very loud noises and this has started to make Martha nervous.

It truly is nobodies fault ,it’s just Martha cannot cope in this home,she needs a more quiet household.

Her owners have made the right decision for Martha and have put her needs first.

Because of the noise factor she takes herself off into her crate ,and spends 90% of her time in there as she feels it’s her safe place.

If the household gets very loud she might poop in her crate out of fear and anxiety,all too much for Martha.

Martha must not have any long lasting treats such as bones,antlers,yak bars,etc as her owners have stopped these as she used to guard them.

No human food it upsets her tummy ,she eats out of a slow feeder bowl ,as otherwise she will eat too fast ,and make herself sick

Martha needs a quiet home ,this is the most important thing for her

No children,no babies or small visiting children ( this is due to Martha now requiring a stress free,quiet environment) she is non aggressive around children but fearful of the noises they can make.We will not lift this requirement as Martha needs come first

If your planning a family in the future this is not the dog for you

Can live with ONE other dog

No cats

Martha has a high prey drive

Persons at home would be great ,as Martha loves to be with adult company

If you have a holiday planned or in the future please state on your application form

Your garden must be safe and secure,if you have a gate we will require a lock on it

Meet Martha

Type Cavapoo

DOB August 2019

Cream/ golden in colour

Female who is spayed

Height 25 cms

Weight 8.85 Kgs


Booster vaccination due November 2024

Worming/flea and tick treatment administered in May 2024

No known allergies,just do not give her human leftovers

Grooming Requirements

Martha has a short soft wavy coat ,only sheds minimally ,all dogs shed some amount.

She is brushed every few days,and likes this experience.

We recommended regular trips to the groomers as and when Martha requires a full groom.

Her coat is fairly low maintenance,but you will need to keep on top of her grooming.


Martha loves going out for her walks ,has two walks per day.

Her recall is very good,but we cannot state enough the new owners must have complete trust ,in any dog before allowing them off their leads.

She does not pull on her lead.

Martha interacts with other dogs very well whilst out on her walks.

General information

Martha is a gorgeous girl ,very well behaved,highly intelligent,loving eager to please.

Will do anything for a treat,which is a good way of keeping up her training.

Martha truly is a fabulous dog,very loyal to her owners and loves a snuggle.

She has never bitten but has has past issues ,with resource guarding chews and her kong, since her stopped giving her chews/kong, this behaviour disappeared.

Her general obedience is good she also knows some tricks. As well as the basics - sit, down, leave it, stay, off, bed, come, fetch, out (which is her command for drop it), she also knows - over (her command for roll over), round, bow, high five, and she joins in if you sing happy birthday.

Martha can be a little timid with those outside of her family. Her owners got Martha at the end of 2019 and lockdown interrupted her socialisation. Generally she’s absolutely fine, she’s just a little wary to begin with. She doesn’t growl, bark or snap at people.

Martha is toilet trained ,but occasionally she will poop in her crate.She only does this if things get very loud with one of the children.

She is crate trained and her crate door is left open ,so she can take herself off there when she wishes.

She does sleep in her crate at nighttime,with the door shut.

Travels well in the car ,but she can get a bit yappy when the car stops eg traffic lights.

Martha is not scared of water but will avoid deep water. She’ll go into the sea up to her shoulders but doesn’t like to go further unless her people go in with her.

Dislikes :- Loud noise causes stress - she’s fine with fireworks and thunder but dislikes vacuum, drilling and shouting . She dislikes balloons, people in masks (Halloween)

Likes :- She LOVES sniffing for food - snuffle mats, food wrapped in paper, food puzzles etc. She loves playing fetch, playing with her flirt pole and “rabbit skin” tug toy from Tug-E-Nuff

This has been an incredibly difficult decision for her family ,and they are devastated to be making it. Martha is very much a part of their family and they all love her very much. Unfortunately she’s been showing signs of stress for around 2 years which is only getting progressively worse.

The family have a very busy lifestyle with 4 children and an autistic, non-verbal child who can be very loud, and they are sure this is what’s causing the problem.

She’s not settling, panting and pacing constantly and is spending more and more time away from her family.

They have spoken to the vet several times who assures us that Martha is perfectly healthy physically and agrees that this is likely due to environmental stress.

Her family have worked very hard to try to rectify this by moving her crate/bed to the furthest part of the house ,making it more den-like, not allowing friends of the children into the home, and limiting the time our autistic child is close by.

Unfortunately their home isn’t big and it’s just not possible to shield her from all the noise. She’s recently started to toilet in her crate (even when the crate door is open) when noise is high, which she has never done before.Her owners have to put Martha’s needs first as they love her so much,a quiet environment ,child free and it’s now her time to relax and be stress free.

She’s easily pleased and eager to please her people,likes the chidren but it’s too loud for her.

She gets on well with the other dog (a neutered male) and enjoys snuggling with him.

All potential homes will be subjected to a full vetting and home check

If you live in rented accommodation we will requested documentation that a dog can live in your property.

We are a small team of two ,we may not answers emails promptly,please allow 24 hours for a response.

Thank you

Doodle Aid