Murphy needs YOU : Urgent Home Needed


Please do read this advert very carefully,only apply if you meet the criteria

Location Berkshire,Maidenhead ,Post Code Area SL6 ,we will require you to travel to carry out several meet and greets.

Murphy is looking for a new home due to a baby arriving ,which has made Murphy very stressed.

It has not been an easy decision to make for his family ,but they feel they must put Murphy’s needs before their own.

They want to make his life as stress free as possible.

The baby has just started crawling and Murphy will give a very quiet growl if baby appears too close.

Murphy has never bitten but he does growl and snap in your direction as a warning if you take things from him without saying “share” and offering a treat or attention, or if you try and pick him up. He is also very anxious at the vet so they sedate him for his vaccines.

Murphy suffers with separation anxiety,this happened after his owners had to return to work after the pandemic,and advanced further since the arrival of their baby.

Separation-related behaviour (SRB) occurs when a dog is left alone. In many cases, the behaviour is a result of distress.

Research suggests that eight out of 10 dogs find it hard to cope when left alone. Yet, half won't show any obvious signs and so it can be easy for owners to miss. The good news is that separation anxiety (SRB) is preventable and treatable.

Murphy used to be able to stay home alone for a few hours, but since his owners had a baby ,Murphy has been getting increasingly anxious ,and at present struggles if they leave the room ,and can’t be left alone in the house for any longer than 1/2 an hour at a push.

This will need to be something his new owners will have to be fully committed in helping Murphy manage his situation,slowly ,calmly and with lots of patience.

Please note this will not be an instant fix but can be managed.

Persons willing to put in time to manage his separation anxiety (slow progressive positive training ,for his anxiety issues )

Will consider a home with a larger older calm dog

(This will involve several meet and greets)

We will consider dog savvy children 13 plus ,or no children within the home

No visiting babies or young children

If you planning a family,Murphy is not the dog for you,sorry

No cats

Person/ persons at home as Murphy suffers with separation anxiety

Not to be passed around to family members,doggy day care etc,he needs stability in his life and persons willing to give him all he needs.

Absolutely no showboating Murphy for at least the first week.

Showboating means :- Showboating is someone showing the rescue dog off as soon as they are adopted. Either taking the dog to see people, go to pub or have lots of visitors to your house to say hello in the first week or so. The first week is about you and the dogs getting used to each other, allowing time to adjust and learning to trust each other rather than showing the dog off.

Secure and safe garden ,with a lockable gate

If you have any holidays planned ,please state on your application

Meet Murphy

Type Beagle Crossed With A Poodle

Black with white patches

DOB November 2017


Is Neutered

Height 18 inches

Weight 15 kg at last weigh in at vets

Microchipped and checked

Up to date with vaccinations (booster due January 2025)

Flea/tick and worming treatments up to date (administered March 2024)

Health :- When baby arrived Murphy loss some hair on his back,we believe this was stress related.This has since grown back without any reoccurring issues or treatments.

Also swelling was found on his lip from a tick bite,this caused a lump which has since reduced in size.

Murphy is better on food that is grain free ,as grains give him an upset tummy,not been diagnosed with any food allergies.

Grooming Requirements

Murphy’s coat wavy to straight,and clipped short.

He does shed minimally we are told by his owners.

Murphy tolerates being brushed at home,might need some training with some tasty treats.

Will allow you to bath him at home ,as he is used to being bathed as he may roll in various poops on his walks especially fox poops.

Attends a Professional Dog Groomers twice a year.


Murphy goes for lovely walks for at least one hour per day.

His recall is pretty good - he doesn’t venture out of sight, mostly he will stay right next to you. He will go and play with dogs in sight. If he’s playing he won’t always come back first call, but he will always come back after a couple of calls. If he’s rolling in poo he won’t come back unless you go get him.

We do not advise allowing Murphy off lead ,until his new owners have complete trust in his recall with them.

Murphy can pull on his lead at the beginning of walks as he’s very scent focused. He settles into a good stride later in the walk.

He loves most dogs and has daily walks with other dogs who he loves to run and play with,and enjoys most dogs company.

There is just one dog in his neighbourhood that he dislikes which is a Border Collie,he will lunge and bark at that dog.

We as humans don’t like some other humans,it’s the same in the dog world.

Gerneral Information

Murphy is a very loving cuddly dog. He likes to spend his day following his owners around the house, quietly lying next to them or lounging on the sofa. He does need a daily 1 hour walk or he gets bouncy and will steal things like toilet rolls or socks. He always jumps up out of excitement when people arrive, but is very friendly with it and just absolutely adores attention from adults.

He’s house trained and great out and about in cafes/pubs etc. with no issues, but with more formal training ,his owners would describe it as he knows what to do but he’ll only do it if he wants to . He can give paw, sit, share (when given right command) etc.He will not do it if he’s not in the mood. He knows he shouldn’t pull on lead and heels nicely once in the rhythm of the walk, but he gets obsessed with scents at the beginning so will pull lots. He takes things like toilet roll, socks etc,if he becomes bored and has not had his daily walks.

Likes to have his kong filled with frozen meat cubes or Kong spreads, carrots, beef bones, the occasional bit of cheese which he loves!

Murphy does not like being around children that are loud and unpredictable. He will try to avoid them but if he has to be near them he will grumble, pull away if they touch him, and bark at them if they are too loud. Since the owners baby has arrived ,he has become very unsettled and anxious, he clings to them more, doesn’t like to be apart from them but doesn’t want to be near the baby.

Murphy’s world has changed since the arrival of the baby,and just cannot cope with the change.

Social interaction:- Murphy loves adults and is very used to going on walks with other dogs, seeing new people, going to cafes/pubs etc. He is happy as long as he is with his owners.If he sees children out and about or is approached for a stroke he’s fine with them, it’s only sustained contact with young children he struggles with.

Murphy as stated is toilet trained,but with any dog entering a new environment we do state be prepared for the unexpected whilst they settle.

He sleeps on the sofa downstairs

Not been destructive in home,will steal the odd sock or toilet roll

He has not been crate trained

Travels well in the car in the boot

Dislikes going to the vet ,this can be quite normal in some cases.

Chat with the vet prior to a vet visit and inform them that Murphy gets anxious when he visits.

Murphy likes to play in the water,especially fetch with his ball

If you feel you have the time and love after reading this advert please do apply for Murphy.

He is a lovely dog just his whole world has been tore apart with the arrival of a baby.

All potential applicants will be subjected to a full vetting and a visual homecheck.

If you live in rented accommodation ,we will ask for documentation that a dog can live in the property .

To apply for Murphy click here

An adoption fee of £200.00 will apply,this goes back into the charity

Once you see applications closed,we will contact everyone in due course.

We are a small team and may not respond to emails promptly,please allow 24 hours for a response

Thank you

Doodle Aid