
Ruby found herself needing a new forever home. A very difficult decision and heart breaking decision for her previous owner Danielle. She came to DoodleAid needing help.

Danielle wrote;

‘Hi Doodle Aid I know your collecting reviews from people who have adopted and I know I haven't rehomed a dog through DoodleAid but I have had a dog re homed via DoodleAid.  I thought you might like a positive experience review from a family who had to have their doodle adopted through this amazing charity.  As you may be aware in early May of this year I posted on DoodleMania asking for help regarding Ruby, as yet again it was the early hours of the morning and I was sat up with her because she wouldn't sleep as she was an energetic doodle who we could physically tire out but not mentally, her will was stronger than my own and her relentless barking and ball aggression issues we could no longer manage as we had her and her brother Marty. The problem is we just loved her so much gave in to her constantly and had lost all authority over her. She had a big personality and just wanted attention 24/7.  We were at breaking point sleeping for 7 weeks in turn on sofa otherwise she would just bark all night, getting four hours at best. DoodleAid came to my rescue. Giving up Ruby was the hardest thing I have ever had to do the guilt was over whelming, but you never judged me, counselled me by phone and text when I couldn't stop crying till late at night which is just amazing and beyond anything that I could have imagined. Then very quickly as you knew how distressed I was you found the Amazing Ann who came and gave Ruby a new home. She was amazing and still is lets me call and text whenever and mostly always made sure I knew Ruby is happy, safe and settled. Ruby has the life now I couldn't give her, open fields a big house and loads of attention and a best friend in Cameron. Marty is doing so much better and come out his shell now he is an only dog and our family has a great routine. None of it was Ruby's fault she was just a little doodle with a big personality. It’s easy for people to assume you give away a dog because you can’t be bothered any more or it’s an easy fix which wasn't the case. DoodleAid recognised we had tried everything with Ruby going to the point where I was willing to quit my job to care for her. You made a life changing, heart breaking choice easier to live with.’

Ruby is now happy and settled with Ann and her family, her new doodle brother Leo and her human brother Cameron with whom she has an amazing bond. She is now Ann’s running partner and they spend hours exploring the Yorkshire Moors together.

Thank you to Ann and her family for giving Ruby the wonderful and loving home Ruby needed.