
Rolo was three when we noticed that despite all the human attention we could muster as a family of three teenage boys and two adults, long walks and adventurous hikes up and down dale, there was simply something missing from his almost Doodle Utopia – a void that walkies, treats, toys and human love couldn’t quite fill. We realised he needed some canny canine company of his own, someone like minded to share his walks with and to grow old with; to curl up by the fire at night with and to steal the blanket from and kick out of bed. We needed to find another Doodle-dasher to join him in his doggie mayhem. at first we sought advice from other experienced owners of multiple doods to discuss the realities.

We soon realised that we didn’t want another puppy, and that we could offer a home to another Doodle in need and provide some hope and reassurance to another owner who found themselves in the heart-breaking position of having to part with their beloved dog.Whilst we worried about finding another adult doodle that would settle in our busy, noisy house, DoodleAid had everything in hand. We expressed an interest in rehoming a beautiful two and a half year old lady. We filled an application form and progressed to the next stage… a home check.

Laura Broom and Siobhan, our home checker, were so helpful and supportive. They carefully assessed our family and home to make sure we were right for Honey and that she was right for Rolo…and us.
They offered friendly and helpful advice every step of the way.

As a family, we went along with Rolo to meet Honey on neutral ground to see how they (and we) all got along. That was ten months ago. The pair of them are inseparable now. Honey is the lady of the house and is very much the boss but Rolo is far from being down trodden. They are a Yin  and Yang, chalk and cheese – one laid back, one alert and bouncy. They are so right together. They steal each other’s bones, blankets and beds. He has taught her how to unlock a lockable bin and she has taught him how to counter surf. They are a double act… she had made Rolo complete and provided us with double the doodle pleasure. It didn’t happen overnight and she still hates being groomed but it feels like she has always been here. We send pictures and texts to her previous owner occasionally, as this is something we agreed we wanted to do.

They do curl up by the fire together. Sometimes we get a look-in and we all get cuddles too. I think we have DoodleAid to thank for finding us another perfect dog to join the one we already had (as many owners will tell you, their dogs are always THE best).